
happy new year

I hope everyone had a happy new year. Mine was rather lame, but there's plenty of time to have a glamorous life, right?
I've been thinking about what kinds of resolutions I want to make for the new year, and came up with these things I want to accomplish:
1. Get myself back to the gym (regularly) and back to eating healthfully (regularly)
2. Save money by cooking at home more often, getting rid of some more unnecessary expenses, and buying fewer things just because I'm bored/they are on sale/ might be useful in the future.
3. Spend more time doing things that I enjoy (being with friends, reading, making crafts) and less time on things that just waste time (watching TV, reading about celebrities' lives).

So, there they are. Last year I had pretty specific projects and goals to accomplish, while this year I just created a general list, but I have done some brainstorming on my own about how to tackle my 2008 goals... I just don't think I need to list them here.
Good luck to everyone in making your resolutions stick!
{Calendar image from Etsy.}

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