
happy weekend & some inspiring things on the web

A great way to start a Saturday is spending an hour drinking coffee while lurking around new {to me} blogs for fun inspiration. It gets me in the mood to tidy up the house, put on some blush and brush my hair, make my to-do list {to include something random like "dye white skirt purple"}. Creative people inspire me to do just a few more things I wouldn't think of on my own and I love that.

Here are some particularly inspiring things I found while following a breadcrumb trail of pretty things on blogs I had never seen before. {It always amazes me how many great things are out there on the Web.}.

The most perfect living room {via Simplygrove}:

2. One broke but stylish gal's daily outfits for our viewing pleasure {Darling Dexter}:

Sewing room in a closet {olivetti studio}:

4. Another pretty gal's style {shoes, especially}, posted often {Some Girls Wander}:

5. Fantastic photographer series {Simply Hue}:

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